Alia Bhattis right now youngest Indian actress of Bollywood and daughter of director, producer and screenwriter Mahesh Bhatt and Soni Razdan, a film actress and director. The pretty young girl had made her Bollywood debut with Karan Johar's 'Student of the Year' along with two more newcomers Siddharth Malhotra and Varun Dhawan. Alia has just finished her school exams, She acted in the film Sangharsh (1999) starring Akshay Kumar and Priety Zinta as a child artist. She is from the talent powerhouse of a Film maker whose filmography includes films like Sadak, Saaransh, Tamanna etc. Alia is cute dimply girl with a 1000 watt smile and glowing confidence reflecting from her face with promising looks. Bhatt camp is famous for introducing new faces in the B-Town but their young daughter wants to stand on her own and is lucky to got work with such a big production house at the start. The dimply girl loves to watch movies and television shows and listen to music. She is Pooja and Rahul Bhatt's step-sister. Latestly, Alia will be seen once again in KJo's next film "2 States" alongwith Arjun Kapoor. Another sensational movie in her basket is of director Imtiaz Ali's film Highway where she is being casted opposite to Randeep Hooda.
Alia Bhatt youngest actress of the Bollywood and daughter of Mahesh Bhatt and Soni Razdan. Alia was born on 15 March 1993,is nineteen-years-old and just finished her schooling. Alia has completed her high-school from Jamnabai Narsee School in Mumbai. She had grabbed big break in the Indian cinema and has became an overnight star. Alia Bhatt,the pretty young girl had made her Bollwood debut with Karan Johar's 'Student of the Year'. She acted in the film Sangharsh (1999) starring Akshay Kumar and Priety Zinta as a child artist. Alia Bhatt filled with talents,with promising looks to hold on the bollywood platform, has started getting many offers. And she has signed her next film once again with Karan Johar but this time she will be seen opposite to Arjun Kapoor in "2 States" and one more in her list of upcoming movies is director Imtiaz Ali's film Highway.Family:
Alia Bhatt is born in the famous Bhatt family of Bollywood. She is the fortunate daughter of Mahesh Bhatt from his second marriage to the actress and director Soni Razdan. She comes from such a family where every other person is somewhere associated with the Bollywood filmdom. She is the step sister of Pooja Bhatt and Rahul Bhatt. Alia is very close to her dear sister Shaheen Bhatt. Alia Bhatt belongs to a filmy family,her father Mahesh Bhatt,director, producer, and screenwriter and her mother Soni Razdan, a film actress and director and sister Shaheen Bhatt who aspires to be a assisstant directer and she has assisted Vikram Bhatt in the film Raaz 3. Alia is the latest from her family to be the part of the Film industry as she belongs to the todays generation.Alia Bhatt Family Details:
Alia has one sister Shaheen Bhatt and they are the only two daughters of Mahesh Bhatt and Soni Razdan, Alia too has a half sister Pooja Bhatt, and a half brother Rahul Bhatt. While Pooja is a protective elder sister, her brother Rahul Bhatt is completely disconnected from Alia's life and career. She is from the talent powerhouse of a Film maker. Mahesh later converted to Islam and married Soni Razdan, a film actress and director. The couple has two daughters, Alia Bhatt and Shaheen Bhatt.She is close to her sister and they love spending time with each other. Actor Emraan Hashmi and director Mohit Suri are her cousins and producer Mukesh Bhatt is her uncle. Alia Bhatt follows only her family members on Twitter and she tweets very often.Education/School:
Alia has completed her high-school from Jamnabai Narsee School in Mumbai. It was always decided that Alia would finish her 12th and go on to study drama,but SOTY happened and plan changed but she believes whenever she'll get break she will complete her education. Alia debuts with other newcomers Varun Dhawan (David Dhawan's son) and model-actor Sidharth Malhotra, who all play high school students in the film. She would love to do an acting course rather than regular studies. she was an average student in her schooling but she was quite active in extra-curricular activities like dance,drama and was active in sports too.
Alia Bhatt was an average student in her schooling. She was not quite interested in studies but she was active in extra-curricular activities like dancing,drama and all. She used to take part in each every competition used to held in the school. Alia is good at charcoal painting and it helps her to relax. She was good at sports too in her school days. She is a sports freak and always used to see to it as she is the winner during the sports day in the school. Alia is an expert Handball player. She aspires to be a actor right from the age of 4 and that time for her dancing was the only what an actor needs to learn so she joined shiamak davar school at the age of 4 to get perfect at dancing.
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